How PayU and NORBr Are Transforming Access to India’s Digital Payments Market

India's digital payments ecosystem is one of the fastest-growing in the world, creating immense opportunities for global businesses. The country has consistently led the charge in mobile payment adoption, [...]

NORBr raises from Alstin Capital to become the ultimate payment framework for global and omnichannel payment operators

Amsterdam, November 25, 2024 – NORBr, a no-code, omnichannel-ready Payment Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider, has raised €3 million in funding, led by Alstin Capital as the lead [...]

Streamline your financial reconciliation with NORBr’s automated solution

Financial reconciliation, particularly in payment processes, compares three sets of records: internal transaction logs, external data from payment partners, and the client’s bank account statement. NORBr simplifies automated payment [...]

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