If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to streamline your e-commerce payment system, then the 3 mins Inside NORBr booklet is the perfect resource for you. This short booklet is divided into three pages, with each page representing one minute of your time. That’s how easy and fast it is to use NORBr!

With NORBr, you don’t need any technical assistance or coding skills to manage your orders and payments. Everything is no-code and straightforward, making it easy for you to get started and start seeing results fast.

This #3minsInside booklet shows how NORBr can help you launch a new country like Brazil:

  • 1st: The first page explains how to enable local payment methods using NORBr’s routing engine. With the routing engine, you can easily set up rules for transactions based on different criteria, such as country and payment method. In this example, you’ll learn how to associate each Brazilian payment method with a different payment service provider.
  • 2nd: The second page shows how payment methods instantly appear on your local checkout pages. NORBr’s Smart Unified Checkout provides a customizable payment component that adapts to each customer’s profile and order patterns, your customers will simply call your API to retrieve the relevant checkout components based on your customer’s location and habits. The result is a quick, effortless checkout experience that increases sales for you as a merchant and enhances the overall customer experience.
  • 3rd: The third page explains how to quickly design a data dashboard to analyze and boost your performance. By creating a dashboard linked to all your payment activity in Brazil, you can track the performance of your rules and make data-driven decisions to optimize your payments strategy. NORBr provides access to more than 20 different customizable charts, which can be associated with over 60 dimensions and 40 different indicators.

So if you’re ready to take your e-commerce payment system to the next level in just three minutes, then the 3 mins Inside NORBr booklet is the perfect place to start. You’ll be amazed at how easy and fast it is to get started and start seeing results!

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