If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to streamline your e-commerce payment system, then the 3 mins Inside NORBr booklet is the perfect resource for you. This short booklet is divided into three pages, with each page representing one minute of your time. That’s how easy and fast it is to use NORBr!

With NORBr, you don’t need any technical assistance or coding skills to manage your orders and payments. Everything is no-code and straightforward, making it easy for you to get started and start seeing results fast.

This #3minsInside booklet shows how NORBr can help you improve your V.I.P customers’ journey:

  • 1st: After making a payment, your VIP customer may be redirected to a 3DS authentication page. With NORBr, you can set up rules to avoid this challenge window for your VIP customers, thus providing them with a seamless checkout experience.
  • 2nd: The second page shows how to request a frictionless path for your VIP customers. You can set up exemption rules based on different parameters such as transaction amount, customer location, and more. In this example, you’ll learn how to apply a rule to a list of VIP customers that forces a “No challenge” exemption.
  • 3rd: The third page explains how to provide your VIP customers with a frictionless journey with the issuer’s agreement. With NORBr, you can exempt your VIP customers from the 3DS authentication process, thus providing them with a seamless and smooth checkout experience.

So if you’re ready to take your e-commerce payment system to the next level in just three minutes, then the 3 mins Inside NORBr booklet is the perfect place to start. You’ll be amazed at how easy and fast it is to get started and start seeing results!

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