Market coverage 1
- Paraguay
Currencies 3
- Euro
- Paraguay Guarani
- United States Dollar
Pago Express is a popular electronic payment system in Paraguay that allows consumers to pay their bills online, send money to others, and make online purchases. The platform is operated by the financial services company Pago Express S.A. and is available for use on desktop, smartphone, or tablet.
To use Pago Express, users must create an online account by providing their personal information, such as name, address, and phone number. They must also provide payment information, such as credit card or bank account details.
Users can then use the Pago Express system to make online payments, either by entering the amount of their bill and selecting their service provider, or by making a money transfer to another Pago Express user. The platform is compatible with many service providers in Paraguay, including utilities, mobile phone operators, insurance companies, and cable companies.