Market coverage 1
- Turkey
Currencies 1
- Turkey Lira
BKM Express is a popular online payment method in Turkey that allows users to pay for goods and services using their smartphone or computer. It was developed by the Turkish Banks Association (BKM) and is widely used throughout the country.
To use BKM Express, users first need to sign up and add payment information, such as credit cards or bank accounts, to their BKM Express account. They can then make online payments using their BKM Express account, without having to enter their payment information each time.
BKM Express is accepted by many Turkish businesses, including large retail chains, utility providers, e-commerce sites, and travel companies. It can also be used to transfer money to other BKM Express users.
In terms of security, BKM Express uses advanced encryption protocols to protect users’ payment information, and users can also activate additional security measures such as PIN codes or passwords for their accounts.