Certified payment providers 7
Market coverage 1
Currencies 1
Argentina Peso
Tarjeta Shopping is a payment method mainly used in Argentina that allows consumers to buy products and services from affiliated stores and pay in installments. The card is issued by the Argentine bank Tarjeta Naranja and is widely accepted throughout the country.
The Tarjeta Shopping card can be used to make purchases at participating stores and to pay bills online. Customers can choose to pay in installments, which can facilitate the purchase of expensive products. However, it is important to note that interest fees may apply for installment payments, which can make purchases more expensive in the long term.
Customers can also benefit from additional perks with the card, such as discounts on purchases made at participating stores, special offers, and promotions.
In summary, the Tarjeta Shopping payment card is a popular method in Argentina for making purchases in installments at participating stores, with additional benefits for cardholders. However, it is important to take into account the interest fees applicable for installment payments.